Our Staff

Professionalism combined with compassion is our goal. Our staff love horses, people, and Jesus, and are educated, certified, and trained to provide the best service to our clients. Each therapist has at least a Master's Degree in Counseling or a related field. They are each licensed by the state, or working towards it.

We most closely follow a model of equine assisted therapy called Natural Lifemanship and each therapist is working towards certification in NL because it is evidence-based and trauma-informed. Each therapist has specific training for the clients they love working with. Ask how we can help you find the best fit for you or your family.

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy

Meagan Good, MA, LPC NLT-2

Meagan started Take Heart in 2014. She is passionate about providing the highest quality therapy services using horses and helping others find hope and healing.

Erin Reilly, MA, NLT-2

Erin joined Take Heart in January 2021. She is passionate about helping people overcome their hurts and not letting what happened to them prevent them from loving and being loved.

Danielle Moore, PhD, LPC, LBS, NLT-1

Danielle joined Take Heart in the fall of 2023. She is passionate about helping her clients become the best versions of themselves that they can be.

Lisa Pulliam, MA, NLC-EP

Lisa joined Take Heart in August 2023. She is passionate about equipping clients with practical skills through simplifying the brain-body-relationship connection to understand how mindset and habit transformation can be achieved.

Kim Miller, MA, LMFT, NLC

Kim joined Take Heart in the fall of 2023. She is passionate about providing a safe and supportive environment where her clients can explore areas in their life and work on healing.

Jess Fry, BS, NLT-1

Jess Fry joined Take Heart in January 2024 as a Master's Level counseling intern. She is passionate about helping clients create safe and healthy bonds with horses that provide powerful catalysts to the rest of their lives.

Connected Horsemanship Instruction

Mallory, NLT-1

Mallory joined Take Heart as a horsemanship instructor in the fall of 2022. She is passionate about teaching others how to build a relationship with their horse based on connection and choice. To contact her, email Mallory @TakeHeartCounseling.com


Nicole Rabe, BS, NLT-1

Nicole started volunteering at Take Heart in January 2015. She came on full time in March 2022 and is now the business operations manager. She is passionate about supporting the mission and showing others the healing power of horses.

Chris Strickler

Chris started volunteering at Take Heart in the fall of 2022. She came on as intake coordinator to help support Take Heart and utillize her gifts.

Noelle Wolf

Noelle started volunteering at Take Heart in the fall of 2023 She came on as volunteer coordinator to support Take Heart and utilize her unique gifts to grow the volunteer program.

Ready to start your life changing journey?

Wherever you are at on your journey, we are here for you. Our human and equine team will walk alongside you so you can find hope, healing, and wholeness in your life. You are worth it. Don't hesitate, reach out to us today.